Installing Stephanie -------------------- There are some slight differences between 2.8 and 2.9, noticably a few more sysctl's were added for 2.9 and top(1) no longer uses the kvm interface. Where things differ in installation, they will be pointed out. First off, you'll need the following sources: src/bin/ps src/usr.bin/systat/ (optional - you proabably want it though) src/gnu/usr.bin/ld src/lib/libc/stdio src/lib/libkvm People using OpenBSD 2.9 will additionally need: src/usr.bin/top 2.8 and 2.9 users will need the kernel source (either srcsys.tar.gz or via cvs for your given architecture) I'm going to assume: 1: you have the above sources in /usr/src 2: you have a previously configured kernel if you dont have either of these, go and check the faq at for instructions. OK, extract the source and apply the kernel patch: 2.8 Users: # tar -xvzf stephanie-0.1.tar.gz # cp stephanie-01/stephanie-28-0.1.patch /usr/src # cd /usr/src # patch -p0 < stephanie-28-0.1.patch 2.9 Users # tar -xvzf stephanie-0.1.tar.gz # cp stephanie/stephanie-29-0.1.patch /usr/src # cd /usr/src # patch -p0 < stephanie-29-0.1.patch Now copy over some files: # cp stephanie/kern/kern_tpe.c /usr/src/sys/kern # cp stephanie/kern/kern_tpe_sys.c /usr/src/sys/kern # cp stephanie/sys/kern_tpe.h /usr/src/sys/sys Rebuild your syscall table: # cd /usr/src/sys/kern # make Copy over some header files: # cp /usr/src/sys/sys/syscall.h /usr/include/sys/ # cp /usr/src/sys/sys/syscallargs.h /usr/include/sys/ # cp /usr/src/sys/sys/sysctl.h /usr/include/sys/ # cp /usr/src/sys/sys/kern_tpe.h /usr/include/sys/ # cp /usr/src/sys/sys/proc.h /usr/include/sys Reconfigure your kernel: # cd /usr/src/sys/arch//conf # config YOURKERNEL Remake the dependencies and rebuild the kernel: # cd /usr/src/sys/arch//compile/YOURKERNEL # make depend ; make clean ; make # cp /bsd /bsd.old ; cp -f bsd / # reboot Hope everything worked. # dmesg | grep list Trusted patch execution list initialized tpe: UID 0 added to trust list # OK! Now you need to patch and libkvm 2.8 users: # cp lib/lib-28.patch /usr/src # cd /usr/src # patch -p0 < lib-28.patch 2.9 users: # cp lib/lib-29.patch /usr/src # cd /usr/src # patch -p0 < lib-29.patch Now, rebuild your and libkvm # cd /usr/src/gnu/usr.bin/ld/rtld # make ; make install # cd /usr/src/lib/libkvm # make ; make install Recompile ps (staticly linked) # cd /usr/src/bin/ps # make ; make install 2.9 Users will need to recompile top # cd /usr/src/usr.bin/top # make ; make install As a non-trusted user (anyone bar root at this stage) see if systat crashes. If it does, apply the patch in misc/ recompile and reinstall. # cp misc/systat.diff /usr/src # cd /usr/src # patch -p0 < systat.diff # cd /usr/src/usr.bin/systat/ # make ; make install Now if you want to restrict read's on stdin for untrusted users, go through and set the immutable flags on any interpreters. # chflags schg /bin/sh # chflags schg /bin/csh # chflags schg /bin/ksh # chflags schg /bin/rksh # chflags schg /usr/bin/perl # chflags schg /usr/bin/awk And any others you have. Finally make the utility program # cd misc # make ; make install OK! Now you can test it out: First, check the trusted user list: # tpe_adm -s trusted users: root # As an untrusted user: $ cat > foo.c << EOF ; gcc foo.c int main(void){ printf("Hello world\n"); } EOF $ ./a.out ./a.out: Permission denied neat. Now see what else is now restricted. Try, 'ps -ax', iostat, systat, vmstat, fstat, netstat, w. Untrusted users should only be able to see information about processes they own (top will not work for untrusted users on 2.8. On 2.9 it will display processes owned by the user). Now as root, check the status of ld environment stripping: # tpe_adm -ls environment protection is currently on # Test it out as an unstrusted user (assuming bash): $ export LD_PRELOAD=test.o $ file a.out Your environment contains possibly malicious variables, stripping for the execution of this program a.out: OpenBSD/i386 demand paged dynamically linked executable not stripped $ Turn ld protection off: # tpe_adm -ld environment protection disabled # $ file a.out /usr/libexec/ preload: test.o: cannot map object $ Now add a user to the trusted list: # tpe_adm -a doe UID 1000 added to trust list # Play with the system utilities, they should work now. Try and run the sample program $ ./a.out hello world! $ Use LD_PRELOAD and LD_LIBRARY_PATH with gay abandon As root, take away the trust status: # tpe_adm -d doe UID 1000 removed from trust list # Make a joke playing on 'abandon' and 'gay'. Anyway, try out the symlink restrictions $ cd /tmp $ ln -s /etc/master.passwd hi # cat /tmp/hi cat: /tmp/hi: Permission denied # That's it! You're done, add any trusted users (anyone in group wheel would be a good start). They will have to be added after every reboot, the following could be added to /etc/rc.local: if [ -x /usr/local/sbin/tpe_adm ]; then /usr/local/sbin/tpe_adm -a doe fi NOTE TO QMAIL USERS: You may find that you will need to explicitly add the qmailq UID to the trust list. Do this in an rc startup script that runs before the qmail daemons start. Send any feedback, bugs, comments, request for features to